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What is Reiki?

Reiki means "spirit" "energy" in Japanese, which translate to "universal life energy". Reiki is a hands-on healing technique that originated in India and eventually spread to Japan and the United States. The Healer guides this universal energy flow from her hands to different parts of the body in order to promote natural healing. Reiki can be done while clothed and can be done both with and without physical contact. You may feel a sense of relaxation, heat or tingling sensations on your body. You may drift off to the astral plane or may have dream-like visions.

What is Aura Healing/Chakra Balancing?

Chakras are energy centers within our body. There are seven chakras from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Auras are energy fields that radiate out from each Chakra. The Healer uses her hands and intuition to feel, see, and read the vibrational frequencies and information in each layer of the Aura in order to help balance them. In the process, your Spirit is validated and  your body begins to heal itself.

What is Intuitive Communication?

As Intuitive Clairvoyant, the Healer is able to feel, see and read the vibrational energy of your Chakras and Auras which contain information about your current life situations. You are able to ask questions and have the energy read around these questions in order to receive spiritual guidance for your own growth and healing.

What is a Past Life Reading?

As Intuitive Clairvoyant, the Healer is able to feel, see, and read the vibrational energy of your Chakras and Auras which contain information about your Past Lives. Each reading will bring up past lives that contain information pertinent to your current spiritual growth. After each past life is read, the Healer asks your Akashic Record-Keeper to complete it so that you will be able to utilize the wisdom imparted without holding on to the attachments.


What is Guided Energy Meditation?

Thought has energy as they set intentions and focus our attention. Thoughts can help promote self-healing as well as spiritual growth. In Guided Energy Meditation, you will learn to be more grounded in your own body, mind and spirit. You will also learn to let go of other people's energy in your auric space and give yourself back the energy that you expend in your life. You will learn to separate your own energy from other people and protect yourself from other people's negative energy.

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